Monday, August 24, 2009

Cooler Days

We had a slight cooling trend, and it's amazing how much more energetic and productive you feel at 85 degrees versus 95 degrees. Anyway, lots of big doings, and Monday always ends up getting a double post as I fill in the weekend's events.

First, however, I wanna give a special hello and hugs to Katinka. We miss you and wish you were drinking beer and feasting with us. /hugs


I got a new refrigerator last week. This is actually farm news, because it's all part of my plan to get refrigeration at the farm.

I had negotiated with Ginnos to do a "double delivery" so when they brought my new fridge, they took my old fridge to Buddy's house to replace his aging and costly-to-run unit. He should see a big drop in his PG&E bill. My plan is that this savings is what we tap in to to run the farm fridge and a few lights.

Last Thursday, we had a feast! Now that the fridge situation was resolved, I was able to buy food again. I bought proscuitto, foccacia, and fresh mozzarella, and brought it to the farm, where we paired it with juicy-ripe honeydew melon, and fresh tomatoes and basil.

Ah! This is the life!

The naked ladies were at their absolute peak last week (third week of August). Fortunately, they are all in good locations.

And a close up:

The starts are really coming along. With the warm weather, partial shade, and diligent watering, they are germinating really well. Now we needed a place to put them all!

So yesterday we harvested the last of the tomatillos and pulled them out. We got quite a basketful of fruit.

And we made a big space available to plant. We'll need to amend the soil heavily with compost and gypsum before we set out the seedlings.

Rick found this tomatillo "skeleton."

Then, we began surveying the last uncharted territory. Here be dragons!

I dug a bunch of the irises out, and Catherine helped clip the fans. We will replant them along the fence line. They'll bloom much better for having been thinned and trimmed.

Rick and Rick tore out a bunch of chicken wire, old wood, and dead branches. They made really good progress in getting things cleared out. We need to bring a big limb saw to finish removing deadwood from the apricot. In the cleanup process, some ripe apples got knocked off, so we ate them up!

What We're Eating

Rick C harvested a bunch of corn so that's what we had for dinner.

With apple and cheese for dessert.


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