Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Seed Room Progress and Seed Decoder

We've been making a ton of progress with the seed starting room. Rick has been a real champ, working hard every day after work. After he rewired it all, he put up plastic sheeting to provide a vapor barrier and try to keep it cleaner.
Here he is wrestling it into place.
And now it's fully operational. We've already moved the lights around a little to make a more L-shaped area. We'll continue to fine tune it, but I've already taken the seedlings over. I think the box I was using was a little hot, because the center rows of tomatoes didn't come up. I reseeded it all yesterday to start over.
Great job Rick!
I also started a flat of peppers on 2-26. Then yesterday, I started a whole new flat of tomatoes and peppers, with an eye to salsa gardening.

Here is the secret decoder ring for the plantings.
Flat A Tomatoes (2-17 and again 2-26)
1.  Gold Medal
2.  Persimmon
3.  Hillbilly
4.  Pineapple
5.  Ananas Noire
6.  Sweet Tangerine
7.  Cosmonaut Volkov
8.  Better Boy
9.  Tumbling Tiger
10.  Principe Borgese

I also planted 3 six-packs:
A. Prince Borg
B. San Marzano
3. Tri Color Cherry (red, orange, yellow front to back)

Flat B Peppers (2-21)
1.  Biker Billy
2.  Sureno Serrano
3.  Pizza Pepper (1-3) / Red Thai (4) / Orange Thai (5)
4.  Ancho
5.  Pasilla
6.  Padron
7.  New Mex Joe Parker
8.  L. Paprika (1-3)  / Alma Paprika (4-5)
9.  Black Hungarian (1) / Red Peter (2) / Cayenna (3-5)
10.  Padron

Flat C Peppers / Tomatoes (2-16)
1.  Biker Billy
2.  Sureno Serrano
3.  Ancho "San Luis" (this and next two from a Renee's mix)
4.  New Mex "Joe Parker"
5.  Jalapeno "Sierra Fuego"
6.  Better Boy
7.  San Marzano
8.  Cosmonaut Volkov
9.  Prince Borg
10.  Tangerine

So this is 150 seedlings, and I realize it's nowhere near enough...
... so I planted another flat. I got a few tomato seeds from Karen.

Flat D Tomatoes / Peppers (3-2-13)
1.  Indigo Rose tomato (K, Territorial)
2.  Beaverlodge tomato (K Territorial)
3.  Purple Russian tomato (K BC)
4.  Beefsteak tomato (freebie from BC)
5.  Pizza Pepper
6.  Padron
7.  Pimento
8.  Alma Paprika
9.  L. Paprika
10.  Paprika

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