Sunday, May 15, 2011

Summer 2011 Row Key

Here's what's planted for summer:

1B: Garlic
2A: Peppers: 5 Jalapeno (RC/AV), Pasilla, 13 Big Jim (RC), Fresno, 3 Jalas (RC) Pasilla
2B: Spring Blue Podded Peas
3A: Onions
3B: Spring Snow Peas
4A: Open double row of Onions with Arugula (x3) between
4B: Summer Beans (5-7): Cherokee Trail, Papa De Rola, Bolita (all for drying)
5A: Garlic
5B: Summer Beans (5-7): Christmas Lima, Black Eyed Peas, Filet mixed colors (2 rows)
6A: Tomatoes (5-2): Sungold, Early Girl, Tiger, Lemon Boy, Black Tula, Italian Tree
6B: Spring Snow Peas
7B: Tomatoes (5-4): Pineapple, Deans Early Girl, Lemon Boy, German Strawberry, Pineapple, Red Pear (back row) with Romas in front row.
8B: Potatoes (3-28) in cages with straw.

As of 5-15 I still have tomatillos and peppers in the greenhouse, and nothing yet planted at my yard.
Onions and peas are ripe, while garlic will be soon. Cherries are ripe.

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