Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Rene's Farm

Yesterday Rick C and I went and looked at Rene's farm space. He has HUGE tracts of land! We offered to help prepare and farm the area with him. There is a ton of space there, with plenty of sun and irrigation water available. We could put in a nice corn and/or potato patch on half of it and still leave half for Rene and Cindy's general vegetable garden. I'm a dunce and didn't take a single picture, but it's a lovely space and we're very excited about getting to help farm it.

BTW, it was funny as hell seeing Rick C fold himself into my tiny car. He had the seat all the way back and he still had his knees bumping his chin. Good thing I had the top down or he wouldn't have fit at all.

I'm also looking at my back yard and thinking we could take out ALL that back lawn and make it garden space. It also has full sun and plenty of irrigation available. I'll need help getting the area spaded up (hint hint) because it's full of bermuda grass.

The hard freeze really nuked my citrus. The lime tree is totally dead. This is no great loss because it hasn't fruited since my neighbors threw a tree on our house and crushed most of it.

But the really sad part is that we lost the lemon crop. We may get a few, and we could probably juice them, but I think most of the crop is a loss. Here you can see the brown spots that indicate the freeze ruined the fruit and it's starting to rot. It's a real shame but fortunately we weren't dependent on the crop for anything except enjoyment.

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