As usual, Monday's post is gonna be extra big post to capture all we got done this weekend. First of all, thinnings make excellent pizza toppings. These are radicchio thinnings.
Happy Birthday Katinka!
The chicks are thriving. The bigger ones are starting to look like small birds.
I took a panorama of the rows so I could work on row maps. Here's the left side.
And the right side. Since this was taken I got row 8 planted in Paso peas.
The cold frame is half full of lettuces. I brought home some rouge gren and some bibb blend. I got the back bit tilled up today, and I plan to plant them where the chickens can patrol for bugs frequently
Saturday was glorious, so after a filling breakfast at the pub, we headed to the farm to get to work.
Buddy watches while Rick puts finishing touches on the sod.
Rick clowns around.
The sod sure looks great in the sunshine
And lovely by moonlight.
And it frames the tub nicely.
Rick does his version of the mud monster.
It was a full moon. You can just see it over the roofline in this shot.
Sunday was another nice day. Buddy enjoys the sunshine.
Catherine works on her crafts. I dunno what to call it, but she's making a pillow top out of strips of cloth threaded thru burlap, sort of like a hooked rug.
I keep putting in more pics of the garden with the new sod, because it looks so great. Notice how much the forsythia is blooming.
Rick drove over to Reny and Cindy's old house, and scored a few gardening bits they didn't need. We got two cold frames like this. They will come in very handy.
But the main project for Sunday was the plumbing. Rick and Rick got all the parts. First they put in a main shut off valve, then an anti-siphon valve.
Catherine supervises.
We were really happy to see Rick reattach the hose when it was finished, at least for now. We put a spare standpipe up halfway down the run. We'll get the last bit dug out soon and get the final pipe in.
I got row 8 dug up and planted a quadruple row (two pairs) of Paso peas. I sure hope they do well, because I ended up putting in a lot of them.
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