Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Glen Upgrade

The glen is looking really good right now. The roses have really taken to the arbor. Buddy's been diligent about twisting in the canes.
I planted the clematis yesterday around the base of the arch. Rick helped weed the area, and we put the blue one and the pink and white on on the right, and the purple one on the left. I also planted the Isotoma between the stones on the path. Then, because we were getting silly, we transplanted one of the johnny jump ups on the left side (it's just a jump to the left, and a step to the right). 
We picked the biggest lettuce yesterday. It was starting to elongate just slightly, so it was time. 
While I was posting, the cedar waxwings came to the fatsia and just gobbled up the berries. It's hard to get a good shot through the screen, but there are at least six of them in this picture. 
They are very pretty birds.

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