Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year

It's a bright and sunny new year. And by bright and sunny, I mean there's been almost no rain at all. The "fall storms" didn't happen. We're watering the garden and hoping for spring rains. On the other hand, the bright sunny days are pleasant and there's really no excuse not to be outside working!

While there were parties galore, we stayed home on New Year's Eve and avoided "amateur night." Well, we count the farm as part of our home, so we spent some time there as well. At miday, with the sun on the thermometer, it was balmy. The real air temperature was probably closer to mid-60s but still quite nice for late December.
We decided to do a hard pruning on the back plum tree. All that tall stuff came down to manageable levels. We left a large branch running along the fence, as that gives us some protection from the other house.
All those prunings made a monstrous pile of brush. We've been brushing it out. Buddy made space for more wood to be stacked, and we've just been putting the small stuff in the compost bin. The city can reclaim those sticks better than we can.
The arugula is doing great, and providing most of our crop at the moment. This row is fully grown.
And this one will replace it soon.
The broccoli is broccling, but the heads are very small. This variety is supposed to make lots of small heads, but they also might be a little stunted.
And this isn't a very good background, but that's a fistful of black spanish radishes. Sadly, we'd let them go a bit long, and they were pretty woody.

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