Monday, January 23, 2012


We had a hard freeze last week, with temps in the low 20s. We had plenty of warning, and we covered our citrus, left water dripping, and generally tried to minimize the damage. Most things came through just fine, but a lot of our lemons were still on the tree. After a freeze like that, they'll dehydrate if we don't act fast. Fortunately I had picked a couple of baskets of lemons before the freeze, and those are in my fridge as "keepers." I'd also made six jars of preserved lemons. But I had not yet begun to lemon!
Then we got a long-overdue storm that dropped a good amount of rain. It's been raining hard all weekend, but today the storm broke up a bit, and the sun came out.  Everything was washed clean and refreshing, if a bit drippy. It was cold, but nice to see the blue sky and pick big, plump lemons. So today I picked a two big baskets more. Then, I put a murder mystery on Netflix and gave my kitchen over to lemoning! First I washed them all and cut them in half.
Then I pulled out the electric juicer, and started juicing. I juiced about 10 cups of lemon juice.
I juiced into the big cup measure because it fits the juicer perfectly, then strained it into the big cobalt bowl. After I finished juicing, I filled the first 3 ice cube trays to freeze and put the rest in the fridge.
I also made a few more jars of preserved lemons. They look so spectacular against the zebra print/turquoise walls.

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