Tuesday, August 16, 2011


So I'm here in Roseville, at Prima to write a guide. It's an adventure! And I'm actually having a lot of fun.
This is the secret inner author room, only accessed by a special, magical passcard.
Here's my secondary workspace, set up for breakfast. The only reason you only see two electronic devices on the table is because I'm using my phone to take the pix.
On my way across the street to the bar, I found a duck... Yes, a plastic duck decoy was lying in the road. I snagged him. And took him to the bar. An author and a duck walk in a bar...
At the time, that pictured looked just fine... probably because I was blurry. Here's Harvey in all his glory. More about this later.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So you named your duck Harvey lol

  3. He's named after the bartender, not the giant invisible rabbit.
