Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 7

I updated the site maps in the post below to reflect what's planted now. Rick C added more bell peppers and another tomato.

Katinka was here the last two days, and she visited the farm, as did Catherine's friends.

It's been cool and rainy the last few days, but today is sunny, windy, and perfect temperature. I just finished two big projects, so I'm looking forward to some farm time. The moon is full today.

In my backyard, the winter chard has bolted, and the peas are done. The lettuces are still beautiful, but we need to eat them up soon. The tomatillos that grew up from seed are enormous.

At the farm, the tomato starts have at least doubled in size, and the tomatillos are all branching and thickening up. The pepper growth isn't as dramatic, but I'm sure the roots are expanding. Everything is just jumping! We worked on gourds at Art Day this week, and Katinka painted the reliquary for the farm's yardafacts.

The cherries are ripening up and the birds are eating most of them.

The orange tree is in full bloom, and the scent is heavenly.

Here's the pretty little rose blooming in the middle of the garden space.

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