Friday, April 20, 2012


Work continues on the tomato patch. We have a strict deadline because it has to be ready when the tomato starts are.
Looking over the garden, it appears that we're growing borage and poppies! There really are some fava beans in there somewhere.
The dogwood has been especially lovely.
While buying paint at Lowes, I couldn't resist these modestly priced clematis plants.
Weather Note
Temperatures really rose this week. Night temps are high 50s and it's getting downright hot in the day. It was overcast most of the week, but now it's sunny and really warm. We should be seeing day temps in the 80s.
The ixias have just started to bloom, and we've seen the very first of the tall white irises.
The johnny jump ups are so cheerful.
The starts in the greenhouse are growing like crazy. From left to right we have peppers,
Zucchinis, squashes, and pumpkins,
And tomatoes.
Today I'm going to clean up the pool area. I think we'll be needing it soon!

What We're Eating
Salad! The lettuces are beautiful and ready, so we're eating a lot of salad. This salad features two kinds of farm lettuce, fried farm eggs spiced with farm ground peppers, farm onion scapes, green garlic, and green onion; augmented with storebought salami and horseradish cheddar cheese, and of course Marie's dressing, thinned with our lemon juice. Pretty darn homegrown!

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