Wednesday, September 9, 2015


It's SummerFall again, that lovely time of year when the days only get to the mid 80s and nights are cool, and we might even get a drop of rain. We haven't done much at the farm since the paint and repair job. That really wore us out. We're too old for this crap! Anyway, the house looks good.
We simply boarded up the broken window in the back. Buddy never opens it anyway.
The color changes depending on the light hitting it. We've harvested the first row of beans and we have the chickens working that area. We even have two new girls in the tractor. The flock is blending slowly but surely, and we haven't had any real problems. Most of the new girls are laying now, and we're going to have a lot of eggs, especially next spring.
I got the cabbages in last week. We rigged some good shadecloth covers to protect them. We went to Lowes and got material and poles to make two more for the broccoli beds, which are prepared but not transplanted yet. I'll try to get that done this week.
The peppers are producing like crazy. I keep harvesting and fermenting, and roasting...
What We're Eating
Brined Eggs
I got this recipe from a link Glen found, but I've changed it to my taste. The original was pretty much just soy sauce, but mine is much better. I put salt, curry powder, a dash of soy, and other spices into a jar with water, and put peeled hard-boiled eggs in to soak for a few days in the fridge. The eggs absorb some of the spices, and taste just like deviled eggs. I just made a hot Thai variation that I'm very excited about, but haven't tried yet.
Peppers in Fish Sauce
We went to Cocodine and tasted their spice choices. One was peppers in fish sauce, and it was delicious. I went home and harvested a bunch of my Thai peppers, and mixed up a fish sauce brine for them to soak in.
We've been too tired for farming, but not for partying! We drove up to the golf course, and met Karen and Glen after their round of golf. This got us another bar (#38) and the scenery was wonderful. We saw a bunch of deer, including a group of young bucks, and a mother with a fawn. The food was forgettable, and the service was pretty bad, but hey, you can have a beer and watch deer.
Jane had a Karaoke birthday party. We sang songs and had a great time.
We like to go to the Park Avenue Pub. It's become our local bar. Here, Rick tries out his new creation: The Hunt for Red October: It's Hop Hunter mixed with Octoberfest with a shot of tomato juice. It was actually really good.
We had a rare croquet game on a lovely Saturday afternoon
And all is right with the world. I had a couple of sweet shots, and sometimes that is enough for a win.
 We went to GRUB's tomatofest at the grange. I didn't take any pix inside, but I did get one of the pizza poster, done by Monica.
 Delina and Jae came by the farm on Labor Day.
 For Laura's 60th birthday, Catherine, Lori, and I met her at La Hacienda for lunch.
 She got some nice presents.
 We had cake and wine. Well I had a bite of cake and a beer.
 And came back to the farm for the after party.

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