Friday, April 1, 2011

Spring, Glorious Spring!

Finally finally finally! It's really springtime! It stayed cold and rainy right to the bitter end of March. The last big storm tore off the roof of the chicken pen, but we already had a replacement, so we got it put right back up.
In fact, Billy's birthday weekend, we called off the croquet game and gathered over here because it was so cold and nasty out. But then, about an hour into the gathering, the sun came out and we immediately went outside.
The usual suspects...

We got Billy a Sierra Nevada growler for his birthday.
And that was pretty much the end of the rainy weather... for now. Ricky C brought over some seed potatoes. He planted a bunch in his yard, and we got what was left.
Tater tots....
We started eating the first radishes.
Tuesday, I bought a new car. It's pretty sexy. Not a convertable, but it does have a moon roof.
Then by yesterday, it was hot! We're having one of those classic Chico springs where it's too wet to work until it's too hot to work. Proof: 92 degrees (well, with the sun shining on it).
Because the trees are just starting to leaf out, the sun was unshaded. So Catherine got creative and brought over a couple of unbrellas.
We tried to position the second table to maximize our shade. And, we could do that because Buddy and I finished mulching another section.

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