Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Five Years

I noticed that the last post, about my first market, was April 14, and the very first Amberglen Farm blog post was on April 14, 2009. So we've been doing this for more than 5 years, and in that time, we've gone from wasteland to market garden!. We actually started the farm on March 27 (based on the first photos). This year, on March 28, I got six more chicks. All these juxtapositions put me in the mood for a retrospective (as well as the usual catchup). Remember this?
Although this was shot at almost the exact opposite angle, I like this "after" picture a lot better! This shot was after the freak hailstorm last Friday afternoon. I was all packed up to sell but the thunder, lightning, rain, and hail changed my mind. We had to put all the stuff away and run for the bar where we dried out over the propane heater.
Not only have we tamed the existing fruit trees, but we planted this great peach. It looks like we will get a nice crop this year.
This was taken halfway through the transplanting, but all the rows are filled now. In this shot, we still had the chickens on sector 1.
 We got our farm's first chickens on Feb. 23, 2010, so they are four years old now, going into their fifth year. This is them as babies.
Our chicks have been growing like crazy. This was 4-16.
And about two weeks later. They were just way too big for the tub anymore.
So we got them out in their new pen yesterday. Rick rigged some hooks to keep it shut and they got through last night just fine.
We're gonna need more space for these guys, so Rick's been hard at work on the chicken house.
He's even got part of the roof up. Here he cuts the panels to size.
And we moved the chickens to behind the bar. This is a real nice spot for them.
While painting the bar, I carefully painted around this praying mantis egg case, and it finally hatched! Look at all the tiny babies! I hope a few survive.
I've got my backyard pretty well whipped into shape. I made those front pots just for showing off the tumbling tigers and basil. Since this pic was taken, I got the rest of the tomatoes, peppers, and herbs in.
I started more herbs for market. I'm still waiting on my next order of seeds.
Our clematis bloomed; lovely.
And the tomatoes are trying to fruit up, but I'm pinching off these early flowers.
We hit the Goose for Mother Firkin Wednesday, and drank a lovely mild. We also did the Lagunitas Tap Takeover at the Handlebar. Whee! Those guys know how to party. It was a good beer week.
Keith was in town for Rock Band! It was great to see him and hear his voiceover demos. He's getting to be quite a good voice actor.
I liked the purple undertones in these Indigo tomato leaves.
And this the shot I used for the Kitchen Prescription newsletter. I may have dried a few tomatoes... And this is just what's left!

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