Monday, December 20, 2010


The broccoli is definitely broccling now.
And the cabbage is starting to head up.
 The newest garlic is looking great.
 I even noticed the faintest bit of yellow showing on the forsythia
And the pea plants are getting bigger.
RickyC said he was gonna bring some wood, so we cleaned up the woodpile and made a place to stack the wood. So... feel free to bring that wood any time, Rick....
 Bill and Laura came over to the farm to play Santa.
Catherine likes her present. 
Very nice.
What We're Eating
Lots of pizza! Bill and Laura came over to our house after farming, and we had delicious pizzas. The boys were in charge of the toppings for the second pizza... the one with icky stuff!
And here's my new bench. It's so tiny and cute!

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