Thursday, August 12, 2010

More Sinkage

On Tuesday, Rene and Cindy came over. Rene helped Rick with the sink.
After they got the legs put on the framework, they moved it into place, then brought the sink over.
And lifted it into place.
The beans are just starting to bean up. These are the Baby Maxibels. They are the thin filet style beans, so we need to make sure to pick them frequently.
The Tigger melon is setting more fruit.
Weather Note
It's continued to be unseasonably cool, and even cloudy. My sunflowers look more like cloudflowers.
We've had temperatures in the mid 80s, which is unheard of for August in Chico. We've even had the AC off, although that didn't last long. It's slated to be in the mid 90s the rest of the week.

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