Here's Mr. Rooster, strutting around.
And playing tallest chicken. But this was his last day. He'd been injuring the hens, and he had to go. As Joel Salatin says, he had a good life and just one bad day.Rick brought over the stove, and we put a big pot of water on to heat.
Rick C. wrung his neck, and we bled him out. Here he is, dipped in hot water, and ready to be plucked.
Catherine helps with the plucking. She and I are official cock pluckers!
Here he is half plucked.
And here he is all ready to roast. I brined him for about 8 hours first, then rubbed him with olive oil and a mix of oregano, pepper, salt, sage, curry powder, and cumin. I put a few sprigs of rosemary in the cavity.
I didn't truss him properly earlier, so his legs stuck out. I put foil on to shield them, and popped him in the oven.
Here he is all nicely roasted.
We brought him to the farm to share with everyone.
Unfortunately, it ended up being the hottest day of the year. It was 107 degrees! Rick C. couldn't stand to come out after working in that heat all day, but the rest of us enjoyed a hot, but delicious feast. Catherine brought bread and cucumbers, and I made some pesto pasta and roasted garlic. Rene and Cindy came over and had a bite also.And today, he's in the soup pot.