Saturday, November 21, 2009

Yeah, it's winter

Although it's been an amazingly gorgeous fall, with excellent leaf color and crisp sunny days, we're now edging into wintery weather. We had rain off and on all last week, and didn't spend much time at the farm except on Tuesday night, when we gathered around the fire pit. On Thurs. I took some plastic over to the farm so Rick C could tack it up to protect our stucco, but since I had the guy installing a new water heater, I couldn't stick around. I did snag another napa cabbage that looked ripe, and found that a mole had eaten that one's root also! We'll just have to watch, and harvest them when they start to open up a little. I made a slaw out of the cabbage.

I did take a couple pics last Tuesday before it got dark, which is by 5 pm nowadays. The broccoli is coming along nicely, although we could have planted MUCH more. The heads are about as big as my palm now.

This is the bok choi tat soi, which I thought would be the baby bok choi, but looks more like it will be the kind where you just harvest the leaves. Nonetheless, it will be tasty, and there's lots of it sprouting.

And the naked ladies are shooting up everywhere.

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